How Startups Can Create Value from Filing Patent Applications

Marc LampertPatents

Uber has quickly risen from an early stage controversial disruptor to a household name. Uber has transformed the delivery of personal transportation and is one of several companies on the verge of bringing autonomous vehicles to the masses. When Uber was a startup, its goal was to put intracity travel …

The Benefits of an Early Patent Search

Erika MurrayPatents

Are you working on a new technological invention or innovating upon an existing technology? Creative development requires a lot of time and financial resources, and it’s attached to a string of demands and details that need constant attention. While the logistics that go into your technological development are highly important, …

International Women’s Day is all about unity

Erika MurrayExpert Insights, News, Profiles

Though the number of women in entrepreneurial roles has inched up in recent years, there’s still room for improvement — and a solid business case for doing it, says Toronto intellectual property lawyer Erika Murray. International Women’s Day — March 8 — is an ideal time to reflect on what changes need to …

Starting Your Patent Journey on the Wrong Foot: Why to be Cautious about Filing a Weak U.S. Provisional Application

Marc LampertExpert Insights, News, Patents

In the Canadian startup community, a common and perpetuated piece of advice given to entrepreneurs is to self-file their initial patent application. Often, this advice involves self-filing a United States provisional patent application. Due to the lack of formal examination of provisional applications, entrepreneurs can file these types of applications without …

How to Create an Innovation Ecosystem – Patents

Erika MurrayExpert Insights, Patent, Patents

By: Robert Tremblay IP protection strategies are certainly not ‘one-size-fits-all’, but rather depend to a significant extent on a company’s motivations, technological focus and budget. In this article series, we will explore innovative strategies to encourage the development of innovation ecosystems, both from within a company and by leveraging third-party …

Greater Possibilities: Industrial Design Practice Changes in Canada

Marc LampertExpert Insights, Industrial designs, News

Industrial design registrations can be a valuable resource for companies to protect their original designs and monetize their efforts for making beautiful products. Industrial designs can provide protection against copiers and counterfeiters because they can prevent undue copying of the visual features of shape, configuration, pattern or ornament applied to a product. As …

2017 Federal Budget – A Possible Boon for New Patentees

Marc LampertExpert Insights, News, Patents

As the Trudeau Liberal government prepares to present its first Federal budget in 2017, there are forecasts that an emphasis of the budget will be on promoting innovation.  One such forecasted proposal includes creating an incentivized patent program. Importantly for innovators, if implemented as forecasted, this program is projected to subsidize …

Erika Murray: an IP champion for start-ups

Erika MurrayExpert Insights, Patents, Profiles

Toronto intellectual property lawyer Erika Murray is the kind of adviser every entrepreneur needs in their corner as they navigate the complex maze of patents, trademarks, licensing agreements, and overall IP strategy. Not only is Murray a fountain of knowledge when it comes to IP law, but she also has a PhD in …